Wednesday, November 23, 2011

100th Post- Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving.  It's my favorite holiday- not just because of all the stuffing, pecan pies and macaroni and cheese- but it's one day a year that we all sit down and really focus on what we're thankful for.  That being said: I'd like to give thanks.  This is my 100th blog post, and I will start off by being thankful for this blog, the people who read it, and that it has helped me stay focused on my health goals.

This year, I am thankful for:

1. My wonderful guy, TallBoy He stands by me when times are tough, gives me every cuddle I need, and loves me to no end.
2. My dog, Buster He's the happiest being alive I have ever encountered, and no matter what I'm feeling like, that rubs off on me.
3. My awesome family- I may not have a large family, but we're very close.  I also am thankful for TallBoy's family- they treat me like one of their own, and it regularly feels like my immediate family has quadrupled.
4. Cooking- Learning and improving on my cooking skills this past year has really led me to appreciate food- not just for the sake of tastiness (that counts too)- but for learning how I can treat my body well through food, and treat other people and animals well by the decisions I make in the kitchen.
5. Babies!  More specifically, my tiny neice, Emaline- for reminding me that not only can everything be new, but everything can be the MOST exciting thing you've EVER seen or done.  Also that broccoli and bananas can be the tastiest treats ever.  She'll pick broccoli over cake any day.  What a weirdo.
6. My amazing friends- Who knew that moving back to Cleveland would result in such a plethora of amazing friends?  Add these newbies (and oldies) to my DC and Charleston besties, and I feel like the luckiest girl ever.
7. Snow- for reminding me that if I can weather through a few dark months, I'll have an amazing summer to look forward to.

There are a lot of other things, but this was just a smattering of stuff I needed to get out there.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and it's filled with family, love and food.  Don't let this be the only day of the year that you let people know how thankful you are for them- spread gratitude year round!  Let this day be the icing on the cake for the people you care about.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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